Image of 40 Watt Sun | 'The Inside Room' t-shirt

40 Watt Sun | 'The Inside Room' t-shirt

£20.00 - £24.00

The Inside Room t-shirt featuring artwork by Costin Chioreanu.

Three-colour design, printed on black Gildan heavy-cotton.

Due to their size and weight, shirts in 3XL will need to be shipped as "Small Parcels" which adds significantly to the expense of postage. Regrettably, the cost of 3XL t-shirts shipped outside of Europe has therefore been increased to account for postal rates.
Most notably, this is reflected in the cost of shipping Small Parcels to the USA which has increased dramatically since July 1st 2020 due to a change in US policies on postal rates for incoming international standard parcels.
In short, the necessary cost for a 3XL t-shirt shipped to the US is rather embarrassing, but I'm afraid completely out of our control.

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